Welcome to IIT Dashboard

Reporting Institute

A candidate who is satisfied with the seat allotted through JoSAA and CSAB Counselling can download the provisional seat allotment letter from the concerned website and can report to the college on the specified date for admission. The candidate will lose his/her allotted seat if failed to report to the college.

Online Reporting

After seat allotment, the student should login the allotted institute web portal for filling Admission form and uploading of additional documents if any. The payment of institute fee and the Hostel fee should also be paid prior to the physical reporting in some of the institutes. 

Physical Reporting (candidate visit the institute for admission)

The students must carry the print out of the filled in Admission form and documents including payment receipts for physical verification at the admission office of the concerned institute on the specified date of admission period. In addition, it’s a mandatory that every student should submit ABC (Academic Bank of Credit) Account while filling admission form and submit Anti-Ragging Affidavit to be signed by the student as well as parent during Admission process.

Verification of documents will be conducted at immediately after the payment of the Balance Admission Fees at the institute. In case if any information/document provided by the applicant is found to be incorrect / inaccurate / false, the admission of such applicants is liable to be cancelled and all fees paid by the applicant shall be forfeited. Decision of the concerned authority will be final in such matters.

We Provide the following post counselling services:

  • Guidance while filling Admission form of the allotted institute
  • List of documents necessary for physical verification
  • Creation of ABC Account
  • Creation of DigiLocker Account
  • Creation of Anti-Ragging Affidavit
  • Guidance from the senior student of the allotted institute (optional)

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Reporting Institute

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