Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani was set up in 2014. It was among the twenty IIITs set up by the erstwhile Ministry of Human Resource Development (now, Ministry of Education), Government of India, under the Not-for-profit Public-Private Partnership (N-PPP) model. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Government of India, Government of West Bengal, and Industry Partners, viz; Coal India Limited, Rolta Foundation, and WEBEL for setting up of Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) at Kalyani using the above model. The stakes of the partners mentioned above were at a ratio of 50:35:15 respectively in 2014. The Institute has been declared an Institute of National Importance as per The Indian Institutes of Information Technology (Public-Private Partnership) Act, 2017.
The institute has been set up to produce best-in-class human resources in IT and to harness the multidimensional facets of IT in various domains. IIIT Kalyani strives to evolve into a world-class academic institution with the highest education and research facilities and produce industry-ready IT graduates to meet the industry demands. The institute continues to act as a catalyst in fostering an innovative ecosystem to ensure that new products, solutions, and innovations are created, taking advantage of the state’s intellectual capital. IIIT Kalyani offers semester-oriented undergraduate, executive postgraduate and research programs to impart high-quality science and engineering education. Admission to the academic programs is synchronized with the academic year and occurs according to the procedure laid down by JoSAA and CSAB (for UG level).
IIIT Kalyani aims to excel in education and research in Information Technology and allied areas. The institute is committed to providing state-of-the-art technical education in the disciplines of Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering, catalysing transmission of knowledge using the latest developments in pedagogy. While the construction work for the permanent campus (Phase -I) has been initiated, the institute is presently running from the campus at WEBEL IT Park, Kalyani, West Bengal.
The institute has accommodation for outstation students on payment basis, subject to availability, in rented apartments. Separate accommodation is provided for boys and girls. The hostels are well situated, accessible to other conveniences. The hostels are equipped with WiFi, security. The hostel is optional for the students. Bus service is provided for students staying in the hostel from hostel to the institute and back.
The institute is equipped with software and hardware labs. There are three software and four hardware labs. The software labs house state-of-the-art educational software and are powered by Windows and Linux. The hardware labs are used for electronics, digital systems and embedded systems experiments. The institute has its own library with quality books counting to 4500.
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