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Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar

IIT Gandhinagar is a nationwide leader on two fronts, its holistic, well-rounded, and cutting-edge undergraduate curriculum, and its student-centric approach resulting in a nurturing, safe, and vibrant environment for its students.

IIT Gandhinagar provides a strong foundation in engineering fundamentals, project-based and hands-on learning, a flexible curriculum and a wide range of diverse courses that promote critical thinking. It affords opportunities for a deeper understanding of technology, Indian society, international experiences, leadership, communications and overall development beyond the curriculum. IIT Gandhinagar’s unique innovations include:  A four-week immersive foundation programme (for all undergraduates) to nurture creativity, communication skills, ethics, teamwork, social engagement, and physical fitness. This has now been emulated by several IITs and other engineering institutes. A fully-funded international internship programme that enables our undergraduates to receive study abroad or other international opportunities before they graduate. A flexible and broad-based curriculum that enables students to study topics and streams of their interest. A very liberal branch change policy, numerous elective courses, interdisciplinary minor programmes, dual major and dual degree programmes. A unique explorer fellowship programme that supports students to travel the length and breadth of the country in teams to experience India intimately at the grassroots. Advanced pedagogical initiatives, including active learning and learning-by-doing approaches across the curriculum. The Institute has developed several special platforms to execute project-focused learning: a Creative Learning Centre, Maker Bhavan, a Writing Studio, a 24-hour Tinkerer’s Lab managed entirely by students, etc.  

IIT Gandhinagar’s student-centric approach is widely recognized for creating a nurturing, safe and vibrant environment for its students, such as: Modern hostel facilities, including air conditioning in all rooms, conveniences, and facilities (including shops, cafes, student lounge, mini library, clay studio) in the hostels, along with a dedicated set of hostel caretakers stationed in the hostels. Extremely liberal financial aid and scholarship programmes that ensure that no student feels disadvantaged due to their financial circumstances. Excellent food quality with a focus on hygiene, nutrition, and quality ingredients in its student messes and in all eateries and cafes. The campus received an exemplary (5-star) Eat Right Campus award from India’s FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India), the first campus in the country to receive this award. A highly responsible student body promotes independence and ethics at various levels and in the policies of the Institute. This has ensured a ragging-free campus and a high level of ethical conduct in exams and overall behaviour. A high emphasis on student emotional wellbeing with very proactive counselling services by professional counsellors, faculty advisors, and student guides that keep in constant touch with every student. An award-winning campus on the banks of the Sabarmati River recognized for outstanding designs and green initiatives. The campus has received the five-star GRIHA LD rating (the first campus in India to receive one) and several HUDCO awards. Heavy emphasis on the overall development of students, including sports, physical fitness, art and other extracurricular activities. Wide range of opportunities for students to participate in social and leadership initiatives.      

The students and faculty of IITGN show an extraordinary level of enthusiasm and participation in Institute affairs. Many festivals and events are celebrated on campus, including: Amalthea, the two-day annual technical summit of IITGN, that focuses on spreading technical knowledge and enthusiasm in students to develop technology for the greater good of humans, Blithchron, the two-day cultural festival of IITGN, acts as a catalyst for budding talents from various universities, colleges, and institutes from across the country, Hallabol is an all-night intra-Institute sports Festival at IITGN, drawing participation from students, staff and faculty, Ignite, an Intra Institute fest, brings the entire IIT Gandhinagar family together to celebrate, experience, relive, share and admire the beauty of technology through fun, amusing activities and events, Jashn is a three-day fun-filled intra-Institute cultural fest with innovative, traditional, and exciting events/games, including an art exhibition, photography and movie-making competitions, quizzes and dance, drama and musical performances. 

IIT Gandhinagar students are active in various sports, supported by exceptional sports facilities on campus and a number of coaches and gym instructors. Several student-run clubs are active on campus. The Institute is strongly committed to sensitizing students to the needs of society and to motivate them to make socially meaningful contributions from an early age. Nyasa is a student-run programme to address the health and education needs of construction workers and their families on campus.To know more details, click official Website:www.iitgn.ac.in

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